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Buy & sale of Swedish properties

Assessment of forest, agriculture and hunting 

Consultant - sales - assessment and assistance from Augustenborg Gods

- a staff of experienced advisers... 

Can you be "cheated" - we can guarantee that because you can - a lot even !!! 

What does the property cost? 

What are bids - bidding rounds - maximum price?

How many cubic meters are there in a KBM? 

What is the HA price?

Where is the cheapest - what is the cheapest?

How are gains from the sale of  agricultural property & Corporation ?

What does the forest plan say? Can it be trusted?

We don't always know the answer - but we can avoid the biggest mistakes and accidents. 

Purchase, assessment and sale of foreign and especially Swedish and Polish forest properties has great interest these years. For many years, we have followed the market, which can provide the basis for a good and long-term investment. We have forests in the areas that are of interest to Danes, and our basis for advice is based on the practical ownership and operation of Swedish forests. 

There are many questions that arise continuously before the purchase is in place.

We advise on options, investments, finances, tax, reallocation of property profits, prices, forest companies, financing, etc. - and there are many experiences we have made or heard about, which you could well be without, but which we are of course happy to pass on. It is not always as easy as it sounds, but it is not impossible, and the EU has made everything easier.

Often the price is difficult to determine in advance as the properties are sold by offer, which is confusing, but the intention is to give the seller the highest price - which is reasonable enough. 
It can be difficult to assess the type of forest, cubic metres, forestry plans, creditworthiness, location, value in the short and long term. 

There are fall groups when buying in Sweden, bidding alone is difficult for a Dane to deal with. At the same time, it is a different culture that can create problems, you have to be on your guard, and Swedish lawyers are the opposite of much else in Sweden - extremely expensive, country-like and limited in their helpfulness. The legal system is like the Danish one, but the judge seeks to settle the case immediately, preferably in a rather brutal and efficient way. Forest companies behave as they see fit, craftsmen have somewhat different meeting times than in Denmark, choice of words and understanding is different. But having said that, Sweden is the best country in the world,  if you behave properly, you live in peace and quiet from the authorities, have good neighbours, cheap houses, cars, food, leisure activities, sports, nature, hunting and fishing that you can only imagine in Denmark.  

We advise partly from our own experience, but we are also happy to connect external advisers such as accountants, forestry companies and lawyers. The estate agents have a duty to be an impartial adviser to both parties, but almost all properties are sold with a disclaimer clause, so that you buy without the direct possibility of complaining afterwards about the deal. 
Our advice is impartial and aims to help you as a buyer or seller of Swedish property to make a sensible and good decision that is in harmony with actual conditions on the market.
In particular, the buyer should consider the financial consequences for the future, it is not always that the costs stop at interest and installments, but care in the future can be a large cost. 


You have to be careful that you don't waste a lot of time, money and effort on problems that are easy to solve, but at the same time you don't see the real difficulties. We are easily accessible, cheap and draw on the knowledge and expertise of both accountants and lawyers. 

Advice on property purchases, assessment of hunting areas:

Review of the property's description, without inspection, brief advice in relation to price and market situation.
R-1   DKK 1500

The above R-1 + financial assessment of income/expenses for up to 10 years after the forestry plan.
R-2   DKK 3000

R-1 + R-2 + inspection of the property in Skåne, Halland, Blekinge, Småland, assessment on the site and preliminary assessment of the forest plan's conformity with actual conditions.
R-3   DKK 8500

R-1 + R-2 + R-3 + complete review of the property with external forest consultants with a view to the content of the forest plan, felling classes and finances. properties 0-150 HA, report 
R-4   DKK   NOK 15,000
Ongoing advice during the purchase and sale process - hourly basis.

The above prices are excl. VAT, DKK - which is deductible on the purchase price and on the operation. The amount will be invoiced prior to the consultation.




Mjölkalånga 25:1 Hässleholm 157.07 ha



Type code: 120. Bebyggd lantbruksenhet

Assessment year: 2020

Assessed value: DKK 15,480,000


Field: 32 ha

Pasture: 1 ha

Woodland: 119 ha

Building stock. Small houses and economy buildings.


Value of forest land: 119* DKK 170,000 = approx. DKK 20,000,000

Value of arable land and pasture: 33* DKK 180,000 = DKK 6,000,000

Value of buildings: DKK 3,500,000


Total value for the property's partial values: DKK 29,500,000.






Blackatorp 2:1 58.44 ha



Type code: 110. Obebyggd lantbruksenhet

Assessment year: 2020

Assessed value: DKK 519,000


Forest: 2 ha

Forest sediment: 57 ha


Value of forest land: 2* DKK 145,000 = approx. DKK 290,000

Forest impediment value: 57* DKK 25,000 = DKK 1,425,000


Total value for the partial values of the property: DKK 1,715,000.



Torsås Mellankärr 1:1 187.30 ha



Type code: 120. Bebyggd lantbruksenhet

Assessment year: 2020

Assessed value: DKK 7,962,000


Pasture: 4 ha

Woodland: 179 ha

Building stock. Small houses and economy buildings.


Value of forest land: 179* DKK 115,000 = approx. DKK 20,500,000

Value of arable land and pasture: 4* DKK 50,000 = DKK 200,000

Value of buildings: DKK 1,500,000


Total value for the property's partial values: DKK 22,200,000.




Ljungby Björstorp 1:32, 1:33. Öjhult 1:9 and Ivla 6:15. 518.34 ha



Type code: 110. Obebyggd lantbruksenhet

Assessment year: 2020

Assessed value: DKK 3,128,000


Forest: 18 ha

Forest sediment: 501 ha


Value of forest land: 18* DKK 145,000 = approx. DKK 2,600,000

Value forest impediment: 501* DKK 20,000 = DKK 10,020,000


Total value for the partial values of the property: DKK 12,620,000.


The entire property is sold in its entirety, the market value is estimated at  20,000,000 



Nybro Lidehult 1:9. 279.85 ha



Type code: 120. Bebyggd lantbruksenhet

Assessment year: 2020

Assessed value: DKK 17,751,000


Arable land: 8 ha

Pasture: 5 ha

Woodland: 242 ha

Forest impediment: 13 ha

Building stock. Small houses and economy buildings.


Value of forest land: 242* DKK 120,000 = approx. DKK 29,040,000

Value forest impediment: 13* DKK 20,000 = DKK 260,000

Value of arable land and pasture: 13* DKK 50,000 = DKK 650,000

Value of buildings: DKK 2,500,000


Total value for the partial values of the property: DKK 32,450,000.



Ljungby Yxkullssund 2:2. 166.71 ha



Type code: 120. Bebyggd lantbruksenhet

Assessment year: 2020

Assessed value: DKK 4,292,000


Arable land: 20 ha

Pasture: 74 ha

Woodland: 13 ha

Forest impediment: 10 ha

Building stock. Small houses and economy buildings.


Value of forest land: 13* DKK 145,000 = approx. DKK 1,900,000

Forest impediment value: 10* DKK 20,000 = DKK 200,000

Value of pasture: 74* DKK 50,000 = DKK 3,700,000

Value of arable land: 20* DKK 100,000 = DKK 2,000,000

Value of buildings: DKK 2,500,000


Total value for the partial values of the property: DKK 10,300,000.


If the entire property is sold in its entirety, the market value is estimated at approx. 31,000,000 skr.






Value calculated via Gratka Poland per square meter 4 zl.

417  ha a 4,- ZL      DKK  27,500,000 

25 ha a 3,-   1,300,000

If the entire property is sold in its entirety, the market value is estimated at approx. SEK 44,000,000.

Get firewood in the forest

Selvskover firewood is the cheapest way to buy firewood. You do part of the work yourself, get to use your body and get fresh air.

There are self-forests TIME FROM JAN TO MAY PLUS SEPTEMBER. 

If you are a new customer and want to buy firewood, write to AUGUSTENBORG@JILAS.DK You write whether you want self-burning firewood, quantity and type.

Example: 15 KBM FIREWOOD.

You are then added to a waiting list. There is no guarantee that you will be contacted, as the demand for firewood is very high this year.

Own forest fire

In the period from mid-January to mid-May, you are allowed to cut your own firewood. You will be assigned an area where you either have to cut down the trees yourself or where, more rarely, the trunks are already lying on the ground. When you have stacked the firewood, it is measured and invoiced. Once the firewood has been paid for, it can be driven home. Minimum sale is 10 forest rooms.

We are quite large with measurements - and you can get areas to be spread out with trees of 6-15 cm in diameter - at the same time maybe sleep at our B&B Yxkullsund. 

We usually have birch, willow, elm and conifer.

Firewood is sold at the daily price. approx. 40% below Danish prices - you can fill a large trailer with an overnight stay in a double room for NOK 1,800.

NOTE - we do not have unlimited quantities of each variety, so we cannot guarantee all varieties throughout the season


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